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CHROME - NZ's Biggest and Baddest Horsepower Festival is back at Hampton Downs!!
START HD AUTO MEMBERSHIPCheck out the experiences/tickets available on event dates.
With a lot of different sessions throughout the weekend, Chrome gives you the chance to let loose on the track to do all the things you aren't allowed to do out on the roads. Chrome is open to anyone in any sort of vehicle.
Strictly no pets or alcohol to be brought into venue!
Chrome is your chance to cruise with your mates around Hampton Downs in a controlled, safe environment. With plenty of different sessions throughout the weekend, we give you the chance to let loose on the track to do all the things you aren't allowed to do out on the roads. Chrome is open to anyone in any sort of vehicle, no WOF or Reg required!
Pick and choose which epic sessions you'd like to take part in, including: